Avondale Business Services
Avondale's Business Services Department is dedicated to keeping the community informed about our financial position. You can find specific financial information on our Transparency Reporting page via the link below, including current budget, current financial statements, contracts currently in place, personnel summary information, and operating expenditures, as well as other financial information we provide to keep our community informed. If you have any questions regarding the financial operation of Avondale School District, please contact the Finance Office at 248.537.6008.
Proposals & Bids
The Avondale School District Purchasing Department manages the acquisition of all materials and supplies used by the school district in day-to-day operations. All supply orders with an anticipated cost exceeding $5,000 are subject to a competitive bid, in accordance with policies developed by the Avondale Board of Education.
All outstanding bids and related bid summaries are updated and posted often, so check back regularly if you wish to review open, ongoing bids. In accordance with the Avondale School District Board Policy and the State of Michigan statute, competitive bidding is utilized to maximize the buying power of the district.
Through the Board of Education, the district reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or to split awards by item, or to accept bids which will, in the opinion of the Board, best serve the Avondale School District.
All bids are due at 2940 Waukegan Street, Auburn Hills, Michigan by the date and time specified in each bid. Late bids are not accepted. All bids are opened on the respective due date, unless otherwise indicated.
Items Currently Out for Bid
Food Service Management Companies
District-Wide Network & UPS Upgrades
Business Services Contact Info
Proposals & Bids
The Avondale School District Purchasing Department manages the acquisition of all materials and supplies used by the school district in day-to-day operations. All supply orders with an anticipated cost exceeding $5,000 are subject to a competitive bid, in accordance with policies developed by the Avondale Board of Education.
All outstanding bids and related bid summaries are updated and posted often, so check back regularly if you wish to review open, ongoing bids. In accordance with the Avondale School District Board Policy and the State of Michigan statute, competitive bidding is utilized to maximize the buying power of the district.
Through the Board of Education, the district reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or to split awards by item, or to accept bids which will, in the opinion of the Board, best serve the Avondale School District.
All bids are due at 2940 Waukegan Street, Auburn Hills, Michigan by the date and time specified in each bid. Late bids are not accepted. All bids are opened on the respective due date, unless otherwise indicated.
Items Currently Out for Bid
Food Service Management Companies
District-Wide Network & UPS Upgrades
Become a Vendor
Although the Avondale School District currently has thousands of vendors in our “active file”, there is always opportunity for qualified suppliers to be added to our vendor file.
To register, please click the button below to email the following information:
- Company Name
- Contact Name
- Product Line
- Address
- Phone and Fax Numbers
- E-mail Address (required for our records)
Please note that submission of this information does NOT make your company a registered vendor of the Avondale school District. Companies are ONLY added as a registered vendor upon bid award.