Elementary Education The Road to the Future
Auburn Elementary School serves grades K-5 within the Avondale School District. Our mission is to provide the highest level of education and maximize every student’s potential. We strive to develop positive social, emotional, intellectual, and physical skills within each student to build a foundation for becoming a productive citizen and lifelong learner.
At Auburn Elementary, students learn to be confident in their abilities, excited about learning, and motivated to do their best. We strive to maintain a positive and challenging learning environment that our students can thrive in because when our students succeed, we succeed.

Auburn Elementary
School Day: 8:32 AM - 3:39 PM
Half Day Dismissal: 11:45 AM
Early Release Dismissal: 1:35 PM
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Auburn Elementary Celebrates September Students of The Month
We celebrated our September Students of the Month with a Breakfast on October 21. Each teacher spoke about their student and why they were chosen, enjoyed breakfast, and snapped a few pictures.
Thank you to all who attended, especially our caregivers who took time out of their day to join us, and congratulations to all of our exception Eagles!
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Auburn Vision
- All students are accepted unconditionally as individuals. They will be nurtured, encouraged, and supported so that they grow and learn to their fullest potential.
- Staff will put forth their highest effort in leadership, professionalism, collaboration, and mutual respect to accomplish our goals.
- Students will be confident in their ability to learn, excited about the learning process, and motivated to do their personal best.
- The school environment will demonstrate student responsibility in creating an atmosphere that is both emotionally and physically safe.
- The staff will work toward common, specific goals through the use of meaningful curriculum, while providing a consistent discipline plan.
We strive to effectively implement an engaging and relevant curriculum to set our students on a path to achieving abundant success. Our elementary curriculum is aligned with current National and State Standards and supports student’s learning at all grade levels. At Auburn Elementary, we utilize our computer labs and in-classroom technology to enhance and support our curriculum, including Nook tablets, ELMO’s, and projectors. While college and/or career readiness may seem far away, at the elementary school level, it is important for us to build a solid foundation in literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies through innovative teaching methodologies. Click below to learn more about our specific curriculum for each grade level.
Avondale K-5 Career Development
Students begin to develop ideas about jobs and the world of work at a young age, but they only know what they have seen or experienced. Often, this is a very limited view. At the elementary schools, it is our mission to help students dive in to all 6 Michigan Career Clusters and be exposed to a multitude of possible careers. We have created many intentional activities and events that are completed throughout the year.
Elementary Activities & Events
- K-5 Job of the Week (174 covered in 6 years)
- K-5 "Careers in a Box" Career Cluster lessons available to all teachers
- 2nd grade Career Booklets completed throughout the year, sent home in May as a great keepsake!
- 3rd-5th grade Monthly Career Journal starters
- 4th grade STEMi visit showcasing jobs in STEM
- District-Wide 5th Grade Career Day
- District-Wide K-5 Future Focus Day
- K-5 Xello-Fun online Career Activities
Below you will find helpful information and resources you and your student may need while attending Auburn Elementary School. Have a question? Reach out and we’d be happy to assist you!