Woodland Elementary building photo

Welcome to Woodland Elementary

Home of the Wildcats

Elementary Education  Grow into Greatness

2022-23 Michigan Department of Education Rewards School 
(The highest 5% of schools in Michigan ranked by academic achievement.)

Woodland Elementary serves students in grades K-5. As an Avondale School District Elementary School, our ultimate mission is to create a nurturing environment in which children can become lifelong learners and reach their greatest potential. We create a positive, educational environment that encourages students to do their best and build confidence in their abilities, which results in students coming to class every day excited to learn! 

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Kindergarten Signing Dat

Woodland Elementary

Woodland Elementary

6465 Livernois Road Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248.537.6900 Fax: 248.537.6905 Attendance: 248.537.6910

School Day:  8:32 AM - 3:39 PM
Half Day Dismissal:  11:45 AM
Early Release Dismissal:  1:35 PM
Office Hours:  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Katalin Rosinski

We Are Leaders


Congratulations Mr. Brian!

Mr. Brian- Employee of the Month

We wanted to give a huge shout out to Mr. Brian! Mr. Brian was awarded Employee of the Month by D.M Burr Security. We are so thankful for everything he does for all of our students and staff. Mr. Brian works so hard every day to keep our school safe. He goes above and beyond by helping out with anything and everything around the school. We are so grateful to have Mr. Brian at Woodland!

No school reminder

Remember, there is no school on Monday, January 20th!

Lions SpiriLions Spirit Dayt Day 1/17

Woodland Elementary hosted their annual Fun Run! Woodland staff, in partnership with our school PTO, hosted the annual fundraiser on Friday, October 18, 2024. The event raises funds to support school activities, enrichment opportunities, and PTO events throughout the year.

We were able to meet and surpass our goal this year, and had an amazing day! Way to ROAR Wildcats! Thank you staff, volunteers, and sponsors for making this years’ fun run a success.


March 27
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: Mar 27
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary
April 3
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: Apr 3
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary
April 10
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: Apr 10
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary
April 17
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: Apr 17
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary
April 24
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: Apr 24
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary
May 1
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
3:45 PM
Math Pentathalon- Media Center
Date: May 1
Time: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Calendar: Woodland Elementary

School Song

We’re Wildcats of Woodland, Proud as we can be.

We’re the Wildcats of Woodland, Reading, writing, math, and science,

When we put them all together, Happy and smart we’ll be.

Woodland Wildcats, Woodland Wildcats, Woodland Wildcats so proud are we!

Woodland Wildcats, Woodland Wildcats, One great big family!

Woodland Wildcats


Avondale School District’s elementary curriculum aligns with National and State Standards while also taking each student's learning level into consideration and incorporating Project Based Learning and Design Thinking practices. Our unique curriculum is targeted at helping every student set the stage for a lifetime of learning. Throughout the school district, we utilize technology in the classroom and  in the computer labs to enhance our curriculum. At the elementary level, providing students with a solid foundation in core subjects such as mathematics, literacy, social studies, and science, helps them prepare for the future and for the career and college readiness skills they will need after they graduate. Click below to learn more about grade-specific curriculum.

View Curriculum

Avondale K-5 Career Development

Students begin to develop ideas about jobs and the world of work at a young age, but they only know what they have seen or experienced. Often, this is a very limited view. At the elementary schools, it is our mission to help students dive in to all 6 Michigan Career Clusters and be exposed to a multitude of possible careers. We have created many intentional activities and events that are completed throughout the year.

Elementary Activities & Events

  • K-5 Job of the Week (174 covered in 6 years) 
  • K-5 "Careers in a Box" Career Cluster lessons available to all teachers
  • 2nd grade Career Booklets completed throughout the year, sent home in May as a great keepsake!
  • 3rd-5th grade Monthly Career Journal starters
  • 4th grade STEMi visit showcasing jobs in STEM
  • District-Wide 5th Grade Career Day
  • District-Wide K-5 Future Focus Day
  • K-5 Xello-Fun online Career Activities

A Woodland Wildcat Always R.O.A.R.S.

Together, Woodland Elementary students and staff created our R.O.A.R.S. expectations and our R.O.A.R.S. matrix describes what behaviors should look and sound like in different areas of our building. Within each classroom, students and teachers participate in lessons that focus on specific behaviors and enhance the climate in our building.

R Respectful
O Organized
A Attentive
R Responsible
S Safe