Parents & Students


At Woodland Elementary, we value the partnership between our students, staff, and families. Here you'll find additional resources for parents and students. If you ever have questions or are looking for specific information, please feel free to contact our front office at 248-237-6900.

Woodland Wildcats

Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Drop off and breakfast starts at 8:20 AM
Office Hours:  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Hours & Dismissal Times

School Day:  8:32 AM - 3:39 PM
Half Day Dismissal Time:  11:45 AM

Woodland families should reference the information below for proper drop off and pick up procedures. 
If you have questions, please contact the office.

Here are a couple of helpful hints to make it go smoothly and quickly:

1. Pull as far up as possible. We should be able to get 12-13 cars in the lane at a time.

2. Make sure your child(ren) are ready to hop out once the car comes to a complete stop (backpacks are ready, said goodbyes).

3. Parents MUST stay in the vehicle. We can help if a student can't open the door. PLEASE DO NOT get out of your car and walk your child into the school.

4. As you are pulling out by the traffic light, continue to pull as far forward as possible.