
Administrative Forms & Files

Branded Templates & Forms

Avondale School District has branded templates available to staff in the Avondale Google Template Gallery. To find a template, navigate directly to the template gallery and select your template to start from, or go to Google Docs, select "New" then "From Template". This will open the template gallery, where you will see district and school template options. 

Field Trip Request Form

Field Trip permission slip forms can be found here.

Branding & Marketing

Avondale Press & Promotions

Have an upcoming event to promote? Working on a cool class project? Know of a student doing amazing things? Is your school being celebrated? Staff member being recognized? Club or group advancing in a competition? Let us know by completing the form below!

For questions or additional information, contact Megan Molloy, Director of Marketing & Communications, at

Press & Promotions Form

Policies, Procedures & Documents